How To Self-Publish A Children’s Book With Professional Illustrations

Launching a book can be a perfect idea if you have some interesting, yet meaningful stories to share with kids. While you may have publishing and self-publishing options, the second one is better. It offers quicker turnarounds, high ROI, and complete ownership of your work than the traditional choice. However, the process can feel intimidating and daunting as you may think that you’ve to undertake it all alone.

However, taking guidance related to self-publishing a children’s book will help you efficiently seek professional help. It will let you understand that the journey isn’t as nerve-wracking as you may have thought initially. Nonetheless, we’ve broken down the complex and frightening process into eight simple and approachable steps to help you easily understand. Let’s dive in!

Self-Publish A Children’s Book With Professional Illustrator In 8 Magical Steps

1. Seek Clarity About Your Self-Publishing Decision

Firstly, decide whether you want to self-publish a children’s book. Or is it because you saw some author making a killing in this profession? This career offers great rewards only if you work hard and smart, plus stay dedicated to your goals. Like every occupation, this too has advantages and disadvantages.

Self-publishing offers full artistic and creative control. You don’t have to necessarily limit yourself to industry standards and become able to publish as soon as possible. Plus, you enjoy complete ownership of your publication. On the other hand, its downside is that you have to pay for everything, including editing, illustrating, publishing, marketing, etc.

Unless you work with professional childrens book publishers in London that support self-publishers without sharing their rights. You may also get scammed if you choose the wrong company, therefore, mindfully make the decision.

2. Determine The Audience For Your Children’s Book

The children’s theme is also diverse, as it may range from toddlers to young adults. This genre is typically divided into five categories. Each one requires a distinctive approach to content, illustrations, design, and marketing. Therefore, determine your specific audience to perfectly craft and promote your publication.

For instance, pictures/board books with an approximate 1000 word count will effectively work for toddlers 0 to 6 years old. Chapter books with a word count of 5,000 to 10,000 will sell extensively from 7 to 9 years old.

3. Get A Well-Crafted Manuscript

Once you have determined the specific age group you’re targeting, choose your vocabulary, themes, and complexity accordingly. Identify and incorporate elements that will relate to them. Use simple, age-appropriate language and avoid complex words.

Keep sentence structure short and to the point. Keep the plot of your story straightforward with clear cause-and-effect relationships. It will let your target audience easily follow and understand your conveyed message. Don’t forget to create memorable and relatable characters.

4. Refine Your Rough Draft

Whether you or your professional editor refine your rough draft, ensure all characters are relatable to children. Verify that you’ve developed all characters well throughout the story. Each one should have certain challenges to overcome to make your story inspirational and interesting.

Maintain a healthy balance of action, dialogue, and description. In case, you fail to build suspense before introducing climax, this is the perfect time to refine it. Fix all the grammatical and spelling errors. Switch complex words with age-appropriate ones.

5. Hire A Professional Illustrator

This is the step where you can’t afford to take any risk. Otherwise, it will waste all your dedicated efforts. Hire a professional illustrator or reputable illustration service. We recommend you prefer a recognized agency over a freelancer for more reliability and additional perks. However, finding a suitable company that offers a customized, perfect childrens illustration is also tricky.

Recognize your style and address the desired aesthetic style you want for your manuscript with your hired agency. Collaborate with the one that offers the best results within your set budget. Seek recommendations from other authors, publishers, and industry professionals to find the right professionals. Never hesitate to trust your instincts, as they always know the reality.

6. Format Your Illustrations Professionally

The way you format your illustrations would change the entire game of your illustrations professionally. A harmoniously balanced distribution of elements on the page for the picture-perfect layout. Maintain consistency in size, color, and placement to guide the reader’s eye. Leave enough white space as a breathing room to avoid a cluttered look.

Use a grid to maintain consistency and structure throughout your children’s book. Understand color psychology to make the right choices so you evoke the right emotions and convey meaning. Use a limited color palette to create a cohesive look and contrasting shades to highlight vital elements.

Prefer hues that complement each other and create a cohesive visual experience. Keep the character design simple and expressive, as it will also contribute to the consistent look. Ensure the design you integrate into your manuscript is appropriate for the age group you’re targeting.

7. Choose A Publishing Agency Suitable For Self-Publishers

Self-publishing can be a tiring and time-consuming process. Catering to each step all on your own can undermine the outcome’s quality and may not leave a desired impression on your target audience. On the other hand, seeking help at an affordable rate will release the burdens off your shoulders. It will also help you achieve your self-publishing goal effectively.

You will enjoy high ROI without making anyone partner in your ownership rights. It may sound dreamy but you can make it into your reality by collaborating it with a reputable and reliable publishing agency. Choose the one that aligns with your requirements, expectations, and budget constraints.

Hire the one that is country-based, as they will understand your target audience and local trends effectively. Also, they should offer assistance in all aspects, from writing to editing, publishing, printing, and marketing. This way, you can rely on a single company for all your book-launching needs.

8. Market Your Children’s Book

Marketing is as important as all other aspects of book publishing to make your publication successful. Identify your specific target group and understand their interests to understand what they enjoy the most. Make sure your cover design is up to mark in terms of the appeal and relevance to the manuscript.

Use vibrant colors and fascinating illustrations that instantly grab potential readers’ attention even from far away. Build your online presence and create a website or blog that you can dedicate to your author brand or publication. Use social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook to engage with your audience.

Kick-start a newsletter to share updates about your work, exclusive offers, and behind-the-scenes content. Participate in book fairs and events to promote your publication. Access to local schools and libraries to increase your visibility and reach. Encourage reviews from your readers and reading influencers for word-of-mouth marketing.

  • How many pages does a children’s book with illustrations have to be to be published?

The typical number of pages for a children’s book is 32 pages. However, some authors stick to 24, 40, or 48 pages, depending on their exact theme and story. Reflect on your tale and the product you want to create for choosing the page numbers accordingly.

  • How much money does it cost to self-publish a children’s book?

At least $5,000 will be required to successfully self-publish your children’s book. Realistically speaking, it can take up more than that if one collaborates with a professional illustrator, editor, and writer. You can take up most publishing steps or seek help from talented individuals in your circle to launch a book within budget.

  • Do authors of children’s books make money?

Many authors within the children’s niche have launched best-selling books and have built self-publishing as full-time careers. The popular ones make a six-figure income. The journey is time-consuming and slow, but you can hit the jackpot with consistency and persistence.  

Summing Up!

Self-publishing a children’s book with professional illustrations is a rewarding yet challenging process that requires careful planning and dedication. By identifying your target audience, creating a strong manuscript, hiring the right illustrator, and implementing all the above steps, you can make the path less intimidating. Partnering with the right professionals and marketing your book effectively will help you turn your passion into a thriving career. Thus, with persistence and creativity, you can share meaningful stories that captivateyoung readers.

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